Fascinated by the concept of TIME Carine Van Gerven often uses a measuring tool or a clock indicating a particular moment in the composition of her photographs. Nevertheless she wonders whether only measurable TIME exists. In the evolution process of mankind there was a moment when man started to understand and estimate TIME. He also started to register TIME. Ever since that moment TIME has been considered as the order in which facts happen, happened or will happen. However, does TIME – which has been – still exist? Does TIME – which will be – exist if it is not there yet? And what is TIME? The moment the question is posed, TIME has already passed. Carine Van Gerven plays with dual TIME in her work. Attributes, ornaments and clothing used in compositions of her photographs point to famous seventeenth- century portraits of the golden age.
In addition the phenomenal play of light, typical for Rembrandt’s paintings, is an inspiration for her. The influence of this great master is notably displayed in her photography. Nevertheless her creations are remarkably modern. The scenes tell current personal life stories and events. Attributes are chosen with care to frequently and subtly humour the story behind each composition – a story which could happen now, in the past or even in the future.
Carine Van Gerven creates personal life stories and emotions with a nod to the past but still universal and off all times.